Stellar Kent works with top companies at the forefront of technology. Our work is exciting because our customers are leading technology companies. They react in real-time with amazing innovations in a constantly changing world.

One area that has seen the most growth in cybersecurity, Forbes recently quoted the former CEO of Cisco in their November 2021 issue. He stated, “There are two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those that don’t yet know they have been hacked.”

The article stressed the importance of teamwork and having a plan in the event of an attack.

Stellar Kent Corporation’s customer, CrowdStrike, has been making headlines for their work in cybersecurity, and people are taking notice. Crowd Strike CEO George Kurtz recently appeared on Mad Money to discuss how their innovations have become necessities for protecting data from all-too-common cyber-attacks.

CrowdStrike in the News

The Forbes article stresses the importance of Cyber insurance. Kurtz points out that insurance providers will not ensure companies who have not taken the proper measures to protect their data via cybersecurity software. CrowdStrike works with the insurance providers to ensure companies have adequate cybersecurity to qualify for cyber insurance. By putting innovation first, CrowdStrike has become the gold standard in cybersecurity software.

Presenting their inventors with a high-quality patent award provided by Stellar Kent Corporation is one key to CrowdStrike’s success. Inventors and innovators know their hard work is recognized and appreciated.

CrowdStrike’s commitment to innovation has paid off. Since the initial public offering on June 12th of 2019, their stock price has risen over 400%. CrowdStrike is predicted to continue its growth as cyberattacks become more common.

For more information on how Stellar Kent can help your company recognize inventors and innovators for the vital work they do, contact us.